Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Another phase of life


Many months have passed
And your hearts are filled with joy
At birth of your baby
A moment to enjoy

Your precious little bundle
With their tiny hands and feet
And as you look into their eyes
You know your lives are complete

So I offer congratulations
Love and best wishes too
For the birth of your son & daughter
And also to the both of you

I would to congratulate my friends Hazri&Wahida, Anis&Fitri, Zul&Linda, Thariq&Miah,my bro G-min&wife who have been blessed with the title "AYAH & IBU".

To my lovely new-born Khayra binti Hazri, Ahmad Riqz bin Mohd Razmien, El Wijdan bin Mohd Zulfazli Marshidi, Kee Mohd Rizqi bin Kee Mohd Thariq, Mohd Aqif bin Mohd Fitri - tons of love n hugs

Auntie Nana ;-)