Sunday, June 13, 2010


I am extremely tire today..clients came one after another, staff after staff brought in bundle of files into my room..penatnya.. I am so busy lately, and I can't imagine how miserable my life will be if one of my senior colleague pass his portfolios to me after this since is he thinking to shift to litigation department. I think I might turn crazy at that time.

Now is 6p.m and I m still in the office doing my work and have to clear it up by today or I will see more and more files on my table tommorow.. Ohhh cannot look at those files anymore..Make me feels sick.

But now feels sangat tenang sebab office dah sangat sunyi. None of my staff stayback, 5.30 p.m sharp, semua hilang..macam magic je. Promise not to complaint about my workloads lagi after this. I have to always think positive about any headache of any files. Now is my time to learn and learn about so many complicated things and perhaps by overcome all those problems I will slowly grow up.

But knowing me .. I love to membebel (but not at all times la).. I am so complicated since I love perfection in life. Maybe that is the reason why I am so hard to understand. Whateverlah! I cannot tolarate any stupid excuses and hate when people keep giving excuses. Eii geram tau!
And I hate when things did't work out the way I expected. Ha...siaplah...

Cepat..buat kerja!

Allah, lindungi hamba-Mu

Love, Nana

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