Saturday, February 7, 2009

client counseling competition

Last friday i went to UUM to attend the client counseling competiton with Kak Mai and Miza as they were invited to be the panel judges for the competiton and saya tak pasal2 kena jadi judge for final round.. but hey... it was great!! seronok tgk kesungguhan students2 yang mengingatkan saya zaman2 dulu..masa kat uitm..bila kena bagi komen, rasa cam panel kat Akademi Fantasia pulak..hahaha. . Erm even ms first round, all groups cam salah advise client, but that';s ok since most of them are 1st year students.. they have long time too go and to learn more about it. But i respect them kerana diaorang sangat berani untuk mencuba.. even some of them look so nervous but that was a good effort though....( saya dulu jangan haraplah nak join benda2 camni..hahahaa)


  1. was funny tho..seronok kalau terlibat ngan mende tu skrg...we will definitely terkenng zaman muda-muda dulu bila nampak yougsters nie...hahaha

  2. korang ni dah tua sangat ke? kalau dah tua, nape tak kawin2lg?

  3. amrul..diam...! ko anak berapa orng dah? hahaha
